Responsible tourism promotes childhood and adolescence without sexual exploitation; therefore, we do not accept any act that favours the sexual exploitation of children., in compliance with the legal provisions in force about the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents and accepting the policy of the Zanzibari Government, commit themselves to:
- We are selecting and evaluating responsible suppliers. Also, we will disqualify any supplier that supports the exploitation of human beings, especially sexual exploitation, mainly when it affects children and adolescents.
- Inform our clients and providers about our policy for preventing the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents through our website.
- Condemn and report to the competent authorities any act of sexual exploitation or abuse against children and adolescents of which we are aware.
- Prohibit and refuse to allow our employees and suppliers (guides, cooks, drivers, etc.) to distribute pornographic material to children and adolescents.
- Prohibit through our company’s social networks to use and disseminate illegal material to children and adolescents.
- Implement measures that prevent our collaborators from offering tourist orientation or promoting sexual contact with children and adolescents.
- Disseminate information to our clients about the existence of legislation against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
- Show in a public place, whether digital or printed, our policy of preventing sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
Last update: December 2022. Please email queries to